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Glyphosate 480 g / liter) PKA No. 422 - SENASA
nonselective systemic herbicide broad spectrum concentrated soluble chemical group belonging to Phosphonomethyl glycine, controls perennial annual weeds in all crops in general.

Crop / Plague

Grape / Dry love, Purslane, Yuyo, Coquito, Chicken foot

Avocado / Coquito, Sweet grass, Foxtail, Chinese grass, Purslane, Dry love

Tangerine / Purslane, Chinese grass, Kikuyo

Pomegranate / Chicken foot, Sweet grass

Asparagus / Chinese grass, Coquito, Sweet grass, Cadillo, Yuyo, Purslane, Turkey mucus, Dry love, Capuli, Foxtail, Chicken leg

Sugarcane / Purslane, Chinese grass

Coffee / Coquito, Commelina, Chicken foot, Dry love, Barberry

Cocoa / Commelina, Dry love, Barberry, Cane bean, Cow's tongue, Tick, Blackberry grass

Artichoke / Coquito, Sweet Grass, Foxtail, Chinese Grass, Purslane, Dry Love


    Bottle x 1 Lt

    Bidón x 4 Lts

    Bidón x 20 Lts 

    Cilynder x 200 Lts

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